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Erwan Hernot
31 oct. 20196 min de lecture
Managing With AI: How It Will Impact The Decision Making Process (2)
AI will, sooner than later, be the manager’s assistant. How will this happen? After a first article (find it here: ??????) Let’s look...
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Erwan Hernot
18 sept. 20195 min de lecture
How AI Can Help Managers? Three Scenarios
How exactly Artifical Intelligence could help managers ? To answer this question, you need to understand the limits of AI before sorting...
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Erwan Hernot
7 juin 20194 min de lecture
How Data Could Change The Power Distribution
Datafication is the process of taking all aspect of life and work and turning them into data. As examples: Google’s augmented reality...
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Erwan Hernot
4 avr. 20193 min de lecture
Managing with AI : How It Will Impact The Decision Making Process (1)
Artificial intelligence is impacting one of the key manager's activity: the decision making process.
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